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Rainbow Blades connects fans wherever they may be

Writer: Rainbow BladesRainbow Blades

Many of you who do not live in and around the S2 area might recognise how lonely being a Blade in exile can be. Yes, we make as many home games as we can, taking advantage of any away days that are close by, but those days and weeks between our visits to see the red and white wizards can feel solitary and miserable. As a Cumbrian-based Blade I have found that membership of the Rainbow Blades has not only brought me closer to the club, but also given me a group of friends with a common love and passion.

As a long-time Blade and ally to the LGBTQ+ community, I felt it was really important to join the Rainbow Blades, to show support and solidarity. The connection it has given me to the club, and its fanbase, has been an unexpected and wonderful bonus. As well as the pre-game socials, social media interaction and bumping into members at the Lane, there’s a weekly connection through chat groups which, despite my physical distance from Sheffield, makes me feel a genuine part of our wonderful club. Would recommend everyone join, who can argue with being United for All, eh?.

Alec Proffitt, Rainbow Blades member


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