As I look back at my life following United, I realise that the vast majority of that time was spent with people cut from similar cloth as I.
While this is all well and good and in absolutely no way detracts from the many cherished memories following the lads and lasses in red and white, I feel it is important to spend time with fellow Blades whose identities perhaps don’t mirror my own.
For us to better understand the world, we must talk to those whose experiences differ from our own. That is why as an ally of Rainbow Blades it’s invaluable to have many opportunities to meet, talk to and share a pint with fellow Blades from a plethora of backgrounds.
While our protected characteristics may differ, we are united through United, whether that be at a bowling alley, on a 5-a-side pitch or, best of all, down the pub. Thanks to Rainbow Blades this is not a fantasy.
No matter your gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, we're all Blades, aren't we?
United for all.