My name is Ben Humphries but you may know me as TravellingBlade.
I’ve always known I was a Blade but I started coming to games when we dropped into League One in 2011. I go home and away with United and I am an Ally of Rainbow Blades.
I became an Ally of Rainbow Blades as many of the best moments of my life have come through watching United, and I want everyone, regardless of who they are, to feel welcome and safe at United so that they too can create their own treasured memories. By being an Ally I hope to make LGBTQ+ Blades feel more welcome and accepted, so that they can come to the match and be themselves as they (hopefully) enjoy watching United.
As you go to more games home and away, you realise just how much of a family we are. All Blades look out for each other and there is a huge sense of belonging. As allies it is our responsibility to make sure this extends to LGBTQ+ Blades too.
United for All.