The Regional LGBTQ+ Football Supporters’ Group Alliance is a network for Yorkshire, Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire LGBTQ+ football supporters’ groups. The purpose of this regional alliance is to share best practice, offer peer to peer support, explore joint events & empower supporters' groups to reach their potential.
We acknowledge that Pride in Football is a network representing ALL UK LGBTQ+ Fan Groups. A regional alliance is important to complement the Pride in Football network whilst having that smaller geographical support, presence & ability to collaborate at a manageable scale.
LGBTQ+ football supporters' groups within the three regions stated are at different stages, are different sizes, have different models and working relationships with their respective clubs. It's important to have the option to collaborate & also a channel to share best practice whilst creating a regional community.
The groups of this alliance are,
Rainbow Blades (Sheffield United)
Marching Out Together (Leeds United)
Rainbow Owls (Sheffield Wednesday)
Rainbow Spireites (Chesterfield FC)
Proud Stags (Mansfield Town)
Proud Forest (Nottingham Forest)
This isn’t a closed shop & further LGBTQ+ supporters’ groups from the three regions stated would be welcomed.
It's important that we stand shoulder to shoulder.
Here’s what the five other member groups have to say about the Alliance…
Rainbow Owls
“Having other LGBTQ+ contacts, who have different insights and objectives, will help Rainbow Owls to learn more and provide us with greater context, particularly as to how an LGBTQ+ supporters’ group should be run in a credible and professional manner, in order to leave a lasting legacy for our LGBTQ+ fans and ensure that there will always be an LGBTQ+ supporters’ group for them.”
Marching Out Together
“Marching Out Together is delighted to join the alliance with our colleagues from other Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and Nottinghamshire groups. We truly feel that together, we can support each other in building our groups and making football truly welcoming for all.”
Rainbow Spireites
“We are a group created to provide a safe space for Chesterfield FC supporters that are members of the LGBTQIA+ Community. Rainbow Spireites more than welcomes allies too. We’re created by fans, for fans and aim to use the love of our club to not only provide support for members of the LGBTQIA+ community attending games, but also help support the Club to support us.”
Proud Stags
“Our group is open to all who embrace inclusion and reject discrimination in football. Proud Stags aims to ensure that Mansfield Town Football Club and all football remains accepting and inclusive to all supporters. We also have plans and ideas coming up to help and support the LGBTQ+ community in Mansfield.”
Proud Forest
“Proud Forest is delighted to be welcomed by the founding member of the Alliance with open arms. Being part of the Alliance has helped us grow and flourish in the small amount of time we’ve been formed, thanks to the support, help, and guidance from the other member groups. We’re not just members but becoming genuine friends as this regional alliance progresses. We all have the same mission – to make our clubs, and football, a safe and inclusive space for everyone.”